Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Make An Impact With Monolith Signs

Monolith signs are large and free standing signs that are usually placed outside a location or business in order to display information about that business. They can be used to convey a brief marketing message and are often used to show prices outside venues like petrol stations.

There are many options to consider when designing monolith signs including whether or not they should be illuminated, and also what shape to use for the construction. While there is no one specific answer to these questions there are factors to consider that will help ensure that you made the right choice.

What Are Monolith Signs?
Monolith signs are, as their name suggests, monolithic. They are tall and free standing and they can have a huge impact on those that see them. The size and the fact that they stand out so well means that monolith signs can be very effective.

Such signs are usually found outdoors and while they normally tower above smaller buildings, it is possible to have more compact signs designed. These smaller monolith signs can be a very effective form of branding and they can be used to indicate a particular location or site.

Usage And Applications
There are many instances where monolith signs are regularly used. Big supermarkets will usually utilise them in order to let people know that they are there and these may also include some details about what is actually found in the store along with the branding and tag line for that particular chain of shops.

Petrol stations also like the use of monolith signs and as well as offering the name and design of the company they use signs that can be updated and changed daily to show the prices of petrol at the time.

Size And Design
Monolith signs are usually large by their very definition, however this isn’t always the case and smaller signs can be highly effective as a means of advertising a smaller site. They can even be used to give direction and to indicate certain areas within a particular location.

The shape of the monolith sign is important. Two sided signs are only visible from two directions whereas three sided designs that have curved surfaces can essentially be seen from anywhere. Use colours that stand out and a design and logo that are memorable and you will enjoy the best results from displaying your monolith signs- http://www.is-group.co.uk/About-Us/Types-of-Signs/Monolith-Totem-Signs

Illuminated Signs
One of the big considerations when deploying your own monolith signs is whether they should be illuminated or not. Lighting can either be placed behind the display, inside the sign, or it can be placed on the ground so that it shines up and at the sign content.

Considering how early it goes dark during the winter months and how late it stays dark, lighting signs should be considered important. The signs will not be any use if they are not lit up during the darker hours and if your business or organisation stays open late or opens its doors early then this becomes even more important.

Monolith Signs For Your Business
You can include a large amount of information on monolith signs but they are typically used to catch the attention of drivers from a distance away. This means that the use of a single large image, or two smaller images will normally have the greatest impact and the best results.

Too much information on a single monolith sign means that the sign will need to be prohibitively large or the content so small that it cannot be viewed except from up close. Try to find the right balance between displaying information and ensuring the sign is useful.

Author: Andrew Durbin, Follow me on Google+

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